Saturday, October 20, 2007

Steep Canyon Rangers Show Boffo

We saw Steep Canyon Rangers at 202 Market last night. The were tight as a preacher's daughter the night before prom night. Joe, Casey, Casey's Picker friend John, Casey's BBQ friend Sarah, and me took in the show and were really impressed. Well, me and Joe were, and I think the others were too. A fun show, good new originals, a couple fired-up classics. Not exactly 1 mike, but they did share mikes and it made for dynamic stage show. They were all good, but the fiddler scored a lot of points with me, he was constantly spurring the band on. I'm looking for a clip of them, but till I find that, take a look at this. The last show I saw at 202 Market was Chatham County Line, and they also have a band where the musicians are good enough to play tight, but they all hang loose. Casey and I were trying to explain their stage show to Joe, who's never seen em. Joe this is them... (CCL, that is, not SCR!)

Update: Here's video on Steep Canyon Rangers:

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