Thursday, October 18, 2007

Steep Canyon Rangers in Roanoke

Let's Go! I just got tipped to this show. Steep Canyon Rangers are one of the few bands out today that I get even remotely excited about. With them, I get the feeling that every time they play their tunes, they play 'em a little different. That's what bluegrass is all about for me, playing the break as you hear right at that moment.

Plus, they have some good originals and they play SUPER fast. Check em out here.

They're playing at 202 Market down on the Square in Roanoke on Friday night October 19th. Good times!

At $10, it's a bah-gain!


Wayne said...

I would love to go, but I have Cody tomorrow night. Seems the nights I have him are the nights stuff goes on. I'll stay at home and have some Dad time with him. He's having some surgery earlier in the day and may need some lovin'!!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Cody! Give him a hug from me, Ruth and Lucy -- that'd be three hugs, I reckon.

Chris Burgoyne said...

Surgery! Ouch! You guys hang in there. Wayne, I reburnt your discs and I'll give you some bonus tunes as well.