Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Autumn Leaves and Men in Dresses

Hey! Is that a kilt you're wearing or did you forget to change out of your nightgown?

The Highlanders Festival happens Oct. 12-13th. No big name Celtic rock bands this year, but local folks the Celtibillies and Beggars Circus play. Really big dudes toss telephone poles around for fun, too.
Down in Mount Airy, the Autum Leaves Festival features a slew of Blue Ridge Mountain legends like Benton Flippen, the Slate Mountain Ramblers and a bunch of great music. I might go Friday and seek out the WPAQ stage.

You should really listen to PAQ if you can pick it up -- 740 AM. Nothing but bluegrass, old-time and preaching -- most of it local. Every Saturday 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m., they have a live show called the Merry-Go-Round on which I've had the privilege to play several times.

The Fest peaks, of course, with the Side Door Sessions at 7:00.
[Side Door, 3rd and Grove in Radford!]

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