Sunday, September 16, 2007

JB's Rock Dublin

We didn't need no stinkin' microphones.
The JB's contributed their ample talents to a worthy cause, namely the New River Land Trust.
Skip Slocum opened the show with some groovy old time music, and through in some delta blues for good measure. The beautiful people of the NRV were out in force and gave the JBs their best audiencing. The event was out at Rockwood Manor in Dublin. They've done incredible work on the building and it's got a great vibe. I want to live there, but I'm pretty sure they won't let me.

The JB's for reasons not worth describing here, played without amplification. I recorded the show as I normally do--just to see how the recording jibes with my memories of how the show went. The recordings usually sound better than I expect them to, and this one was no exception.

We sounded good, and projected well. What more can you ask for? We also got free drinks.
Put that all together and you have one more musical triumph for the Java Brothers.

I don't want to brag, but if I don't pump us up, who will?

The Java Brothers were From Stage Right to Stage Left:
Joe Abercrombie-banjo
Wayne Frye- guitar and C above middle C vocals
Doug Capobianco-upright bass
Chris Burgoyne- mandolin
Ralph Berrier-fiddle
Bill Adams- dobro, extra good karma for playing Salt Creek.


Ralph said...

Rockwood is also the site of Butch Robins' international bluegrass extravaganza Sept. 26.
The concert will be in the barn's "music loft," where the JBs played to a frenzied Red Cross crowd last spring. Joe and Wayne still have in their cases the multiple pairs of ladies' undergarments that were flung at the band.

Wayne said...

Now, now. Joe and I can't help that the blonde went to high school with us and loved us then and loves us still. It is an old Radford High School thing!

We did WOW 'em yesterday. I had a couple from my church that were there, and they were properly impressed. We need to put that Greatest Hits, Vol. 1 CD out and get the JB's know all the way to the ROANOKE VALLEY.

Next stop...gettin' up in the aisles at the Radford Christian Church!!