Tuesday, April 21, 2009

All Jams Great and Small

For most of Monday, a very large group played before a considerable audience -- some of whom sat on the floor with their kids.

For the last hour, a smaller group played to a considerably smaller crowd and continued to jam well past The Coffee Mill's closing hour.

Wayne, Chris showed up after you left. Chris, Wayne left before you got there. Is there a problem between the two of you?

For the first 2 hours, we played a ton of rousing bluegrass. Kendall, Wayne, George, Curtis and Asenath sang and played like the dickens. At one point, we had four youth players going strong (including 3 fiddlers; for future reference, Blake wants to play Jerusalem Ridge, and I keep putting him off; we need to attempt it). Mary M. tore up some mando solos. We went from 0 to 60 banjos in one week with George, Jason, Garland Finn and Joe laying down some three-finger discount. Frankie, Nancy, Doug, Dale, Richard and probably a host of others kept the jam pot bubbling, while Tim Mills read the paper. Oh, we sang Happy Birthday to Brittany (again! That girl's getting older by the day).

During The Coffee Mill After Hours session, we played some Old Dangerfield, Nellie Kane and Asenath played Wayne's guitar. When I left, Chris was giving FIDDLE LESSONS!


Wayne said...

The guitar made it safely back to me around 10:45pm, or so. I could see that the guitar section was about to be greatly dismantled, so I took one for the jam and left it behind. Didn't seem to be any worse for the wear.

Chris and I aren't mad, we just saw enough of each other on Sat.!! (Not really) I thought he was a no show for sure.
I'll be back for the same shortend fun next week. That will be mando week for me......

Chris Burgoyne said...

We're working in shifts.

And I wasn't giving fiddle lessons - I was giving mandolin lessons on the violin. The fingers go in the same place!

And Richard's better to work with than Isabella - she usually cries during the lessons.