Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Front page news!!!!

JB's make it big time :)

Front page of the Radford News Journal at Selu for the Lamplighter's Author Dinner with Robert Morgan - May 17th 2008. Wayne and Ralph are famous (as is my left arm and banjo neck)....


Chris Burgoyne said...

Nice scannin' Joe! Hate to miss any gigs, but I definitely hate to miss those good feedin' Selu gigs. And I REALLY hate it when I miss those gigs where we end up in the paper. Good job, JBs! Wayne, heard Country Roads by a riverboat busker on the Loboc River in Bohol Philippines. Small world, indeed.

Wayne said...

I'm telling ya ole John Denver was quite the "thang" at one time. Folks all over the world loved his music, and apparently still find it entertaining. (At least for an American tourist in the Phillipines)

Chris, hope you saw we are on for June 14th. This can be a good warm up for July 4th.

Chris Burgoyne said...

Yeah, sounds good. I wanna do the new one Ralph sang at the jam b4 I left. Jim and Jesse tune. "Lonesome Feeling." Do the Blue Highway tune. Let's shake it up!