Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Heap Big Jam Last Night

I had to sit out last night on baby sitting duty, but the crew down at the Mill didn't miss me a bit. Wayne was driving Vernon on the mandolin, two fiddles, a bunch of banjos, and a positive HERD of guitars made quite a racket. And don't take this the wrong way, but for so many folks jammin' away, it sounded surprisingly good.

Kudos to you-o's!

Mark you calendars:
December 21st -- JBs* at the Blackwater Loft Cafe in Floyd, VA
January 19th -- Side Door #3 in Radford, VA.

1 comment:

Wayne said...

I thought it went pretty well for such a crowd myself. Didn't have any big train wrecks. A couple of close calls, but no wrecks. We did miss the fine pickin' and velvet singin of one Chris B. Otherwise, it went well.

Don't forget Ralph is looking at the JB's at the store on 1/11/08. Looks like Jan. is starting to come around!