Friday, November 30, 2007

JBs* Wow Em at the Mechanical Engineering Dept

Those were some lucky folks out there who got to here Java Bros, Joe, Ralph, Casey, and Chris, and Java Sistah Susan Gaskins over at the Skelton Center.
We blasted them hard with some fiddle tunes and some straight bluegrass. Honestly, I think it might have been too much for their uptight, slide rule, button-down minds to take.

I forgot who was going to be there and who wasn't so the setlist I made was way off base, but the JBs don't need no stinkin' setlists. No sir.

Also worthy of note, was that we got to eat for FREE, had some d#mn good pie, and got paid a couple shekels.

Merry Christmas to all, indeed!

Thanks to Susan for setting us up with the sweet gig!


Ralph said...

I think some of those power-point guys actually enjoyed us. We shred.

Wayne said...

Don't forget to let folks know that the JB'S*, with sista Susan will be in Floyd at the Loft on 12/21.