Thursday, March 20, 2008

Due South BBQ Jam Bigger and Better

No news here. The Due South Jam rocked through another Thursday night and we chowed down some fine barbequed pork. As they say in Manila, "Masarap!"
I was talking to Wilson, who was one of the first 2 or 3 people to make that a jam, as we sat watching 20 pickers in full pick, and he seemed impressed by how far this jam has come in such a short time. Dale was there, but looking and feeling pretty low. Said he burnt some brush and inhaled some poison sumac. If you've never had the pleasure...he said he spent two non-consecutive nights in the ER. Not cool.

Kendall was there reminding me of standards I forgot were my favorites. "The Old Hometown."
"...Then you'll call on Mother, but she won't be around..."

That's bluegrass, baby!

Saw a new (to me) mandolin player who's more Bill Monroe-y than Vernon, even.
Scott Patrick blew through a bunch of notes. Casey played a couple instruments very quickly and well. Bonnie deserves our attention, as her bass playin' in getting more and more solid. I've said it before, and I'll say it again--when she plays, the jam gets a groove that other jams don't have. Keep it up!

I was dog tired, but I love to hit the Due South Jam after work on Thursdays, eat some good grub, get a drink, and hang with my friends.

If you've never been there, you gotta check it out.

Oh yeah...things I learned.
Mary sells jewelry.
Jason's name is really Alex and you should call him that. (Or "Big Al")
Jared's middle name is Doug, so people called him Jug, and you should call him that.

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