Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mandolin Night -- Every Monday!

Yes siree, that was quite the doin's down at The Coffee Mill Monday night. On a chilly winter's eve when the mercury Benjamin Buttoned it down into the teens, the following array of stringed instruments encircled the premises ...

Mandolins: 5 (one with only 7 strings)
Fiddles: 4
Banjos: 3
Guitars: 4 (at least)
Bass: Uno!

That's 98 strings ... not counting Chris's busted mandolin catgut. Why do mandolin players think they're so hot they need 8 strings anyway?

And, we had a full, caffeinated crew of listeners. Some folks had to stand or sit on tables. Next: Dancing on tables!


Chris Burgoyne said...

Mandolins are the safest instrument to have large numbers of.

We had two new young fellers out not afraid to take some breaks. I like that. That's the only way to improve. Take yer lumps! er, I mean breaks!

Wayne said...

I think the mandolin thing is the same phenomenon as the fiddle last week. Once 2 or 3 people saw me bangin at one, they thought, "hey I can do that, too!"

The newer of the two said he had only been at it a couple of weeks. We might have us a budding Sam Bush.

On another front, where was Joe??

Chris Burgoyne said...

I haven't seen Joe in a while. Where y'at,Joe?

Joe said...

Kinda like "where's Waldo?".... I've been tied up or out of town the past couple Mondays... was in Chahhhlston, SC visiting my brother Jason this past week. Will see yinsers at Side Door Saturday night... will be drinking Fire Fly's.... :)

Chris Burgoyne said...

What's a Fire Fly?