Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How'd the Jam Go?

Scheduling conflict combined with exhaustion induced unconsiousness thwarted by efforts to attend.


Wayne said...

I thought it was peal good. We had Ralph, Kendall, Jason, Nancy, Frankie, Richard, the new young guy on the mandolin, Joe, George, Doug and myself. We had a nice crowd, considering the weather. Joe broke out his new instrumental, and I broke out 4, count 'em, four new tunes.

Chris, check your gmail for a possible gig in July. I changed the address, so you should have it.

Ralph said...

Good jam. Good times. Sorry you weren't there.

Chris Burgoyne said...

I'm sorry I wasn't there, also.
Wayne - what wuz yer new tunes?

Wayne said...

I'm working on He Rode All the Way to Texas, Wait A Minute, An Old Love Affair, and Stuck in the Middle of Nowwhere.

Two from my Seldom Scene days, and the other two stolen from Dan Tyminski.