Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Wacky Jam News

We had a wacky one last night. No Wayne, no Doug, No Joe. Chris brought his bass and his guitar, but there was already a bass, and 75 guitars. He went home and got his mando and then stayed outside playing bass all night. A fella named Bob, journalism teacher, mandolinist, guitarist and sometime raconteur was hanging out, too. Dodging raindrops outside were a bunch of mandos, Dale, and a rarely playing Slash. Our good ol' boy Fritz dropped by with his bazouki and his Dad to pick a few. Good times.

Inside was a whole 'nother crew including what looked like a good new fiddler. (Looks like Jason's little brother or something.) We heard that Lewis took a tumble and broke his collarbone, or his shoulder---either way not good. We picked a few for him. His sister--is that really who she is? Was out with her electro-autoharp. I didn't actually hear it.

Timmy Mills shook the cobwebs off and picked a few.

Ralph might could give us a report from inside.


Ralph said...

If a jam happens and no Java Brothers are there to hear it, does it make a sound? Well, yeah, but a different sound for sure.

As Wayne, Joe, Doug and Bill recovered from their long holiday weekend -- yuk, yuk -- the jam carried on. Tim Thornton showed up with his bass, which sent a dejected, bass-toting Chris Burgoyne to the sidewalk. Chris was inside the Mill only long enough to eat a muffin. But it looked like there was music on the sidewalk for a change. Or maybe they were playing FOR change. Casey showed up way late, increasing the JB presence by 50%.

The young hot-shot fiddler, Stu, started calling tunes as we tried to keep up. "Bazooka Fritz" Schindler plucked the bouzouki that he debuted at the Side Door a few weeks back.

We all signed a card for Lewis, who tumbled down some steps and broke his collarbone. I signed for the absent JBs.

Wayne said...

Sounds like an interesting night. I missed beign there. Thanks for signing my name on the card. Ole Lewis is right faithful to the jam and the JB's. Hope he is back on the scene soon!
I'll be back next week, but alas will miss the week after that. I hope my August schedule gets back to normal!!! Anyways, thanks for the update. Hope to see everyone, including those not around last night, next week