Monday, May 19, 2008

Well, We Made It

We made it through another night at the Mill. Got to say it was tough without fellow jammers, Ralph and Chris. We had a good turnout, with Doug, Joe, Mary, Nancy, Dale, Kendall, PJ, Sloan, Jason and myself. Scott Patrick and Tim Mills made the scene, too. Everybody got a few turns at choosing the tune and at taking a break or two. The crowd wasn't as big and folks didn't stay as long. Don't know if that was a reflection of the quality of the pickin', but the pickers had fun anyway!

The Mill is open next week, so the jam goes on. Ralph, Doug will likely be absent, so if you know PJ's number, we need a bass player!

The JB's play at a private party this weekend. Ralph, Doug, Joe, Bill, Wayne, and guest artist Brian Muller should be in attendance. Supposed to be plenty of food and drink, and alot of pickin'. Should be fun!

Chris, saw your post. Glad you all made it safely and are having a good time! Don't get burned at the pool or beach! Hurry on back to the states, we miss having you around! As for you Ralph, I know NYC won't be the same after you leave. Hopefully they won't get you too cultured while you're there!

See everyone next week! (Except world traveler Chris, I think?!?)


Ralph said...

Sounds like a good time and a good group. Hate I missed it.

Having a great time in NYC. Good parks, lots of walking around and staring at tall buildings ... no pickin' tho.

Chris Burgoyne said...

Don't get above yer raisin', Ralphie! I won't likely be back till the 5th. Maybe in time for Gibson Brothers. Make sure Dave Mabry hears about it. He gave me their cd. They're good.