Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Squirrel Hunters

This is a fine tune I heard John Hartford do.
This band features his last guitar player, Chris Sharp.


Anonymous said...

What band is this? Looks like the performance is in a community college classroom.

I saw Chris Sharp with Hartford in 1999. Sharp stands like a statue, save for his fast-moving hands. He sometimes wears a brimmed hat and Hartford almost knocked it off with a bowstroke when they got too close.

Chris Burgoyne said...

This is a band (I think) that Sharp put together Post Hartford. (Good Band Name "Post Hartford" - might should save that one for when the JBs dissolve amidst bitter lawsuits!) From what I remember of the notes I saw, this is somewhere near Bloomington, IN and it was associated with David Long (and/or David Long w/ Mike Compton (fellow Hartford alum)).