Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Coffee Mill Christmas Blowout

They backed em beyond capacity last night at the Mill. Word musta got out about the free food. I heard the Carolers knocked em dead up and down Main street as well. We'll have to remind the Coffee Mill staff to kill the heat on Mondays cause there's always enough bodies in there to keep the place overheated. Miss Isabella really appreciated the Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.

Thanks to Ralph for making the party happen. Thanks to everybody who makes that jam happen, and that definitely includes the audience!

It was good to see Asenath and Harlo back in town. Kendall took the jam up the twelve notches of Christmas with his rockin' Run, Run, Rudolph. That dude's outta control. Ken busted out his mando, Mary was back, Bill was cookin' on his dobro, Richard was fiddlin', we had a fiddle prodigy sit in, Lewis had a new bike parked out front, every one of our regulars was there in the place. I don't think we were missin' too many. Hope Stephen got a few tips behind the counter.

What can I say, we're a lucky bunch, and cause they're open next Monday, we can do it all one more time before Christmas.


Ralph said...

Let's not forget Frankie Claus, who helps fund the par-tay by putting together a paid group at Selu each fall.

It was unseasonably warm inside and out last night, as a large group jammed on the sidewalk -- on Dec. 15!!!

Good night all the way around. Good lasagna, too.

Wayne said...

Kendall is a PERFORMER! He had 'em going over the recorded music in Sharkey's. I'm sure they didn't envision something like that when they opened. It was quite the jam. It was one of those where there were MANY players, and the listeners were standing in the aisles. Maybe next week, it will be a little smaller and we can hear what each other is doing.
Ralph, do we have a bassist for next week. I'm not sure if Doug is with us or not?!?!