Tuesday, September 2, 2008


It was hot at the Mill last night. That is I'm sure what led to a strong outside jam getting going. We had our new best friend Ebby along again last night acing us all on fiddle, banjo, and mandolin. The guy is in the running for best all-around player we've had at the jam (up there with PJ on the multi-instrumental tip).

Tune of the night was Louisville Breakdown. Everybody go learn it. Sloane played that one and "Last Letter" aka "Letter from my Darlin.'" [It said she hated to go, but you know how it is...]

I was tired and just about somnambulent so I missed lots of details. I baffled the group with my performance of "Same Old Man" which I learned from the Redd I Ramblers in PA, but was more famously recorded by the Dillards. Everybody learn it!

Richard helped us hack through a Jerusalem Ridge at the end. I, like Richard, think we should play it every week till we finally learn it.

I have a friend who called that a $100 song - it cost him that much in lessons just to get a workable version.

Happy Birthday to Miss Lucy!


Wayne said...

It was quite the jam. I knpw folks went outside because it was hot inside. The reason is was so hot inside was because of the pickin! It was pretty darned good once again. My mando has never sounded as good as when Addie was pickin it. I think I got a pretty good instrument now, just need someone to play the thing!!

Wayne said...

Oops, I mean Ebby!!

Ralph said...

Yeah, well, let's see him master the washtub bass!

I'll bet a stove pipe strung with baling twine would sound good in Ebby's hands.

Don't forget, the great Garland Finn made a brief appearance, too! And Susan Gaskins!