Sunday, August 3, 2008

Fine time on the River

It's always interesting putting an event together. Who will come? Will anyone turn out? How much stuff do we need? What if you have a party, and nobody comes?
We held the Outdoor Session yesterday and it turned out pretty dang good, and once again it was the community of musicians came through.
I knew this weekend would be a challenge for lots of people schedule-wise, it's the middle of the high season and there's lots going on...Steppin' Out in Blacksburg, Galax warming up, you name it.

Then there was the weather. We got some pretty wild thunderstorms in the morning, about three individual squalls, and they made me pretty nervous. But I figured, "Hey, we're under a shelter! No biggie." So, long story short, we got set up at about 1:15 for our 2:00 kickoff, and Charlie Linkous was already camped out and waiting for us to play.

Dr. Carl, Wayne, and myself got right to setting up, and the sky was clearing, and things were looking good, but I was still wondering who all would show up. We got a jam's worth of Coffee Mill regulars (Chris, Wayne, Doug, Dale, and Slash) and that would have been fine group to spend an afternoon with, but then we got a whole 'nother contingent from the Snowville jam. (I've almost learned to pronounce it right..."Snow-vul." Doug Dalton brought a whole crew of great singers and pickers, not to mention his sweet fiddle and really turned the jam into something fun and memorable. Miss Chloe brought her bass, but I don't know she ever played it. Christian and Kimberly Hearn played on a bunch of tunes. We had no shortage of mando's, guitars, or even basses. We were short on banjos--I think we only had two all day, but you know, that was just about right. We had two dobros trading off, and tons of non musical visitors, too. My pals from Arlington were very impressed with the pickers' talent, and also their stamina. "They just played for hours! Don't they get tired?" I told her we work in shifts.

I want to thank everybody who came out and everybody who helped. It's a simple thing to get together and pick, but it really is a lot of fun, and you can't do it alone!

Send me all your ideas for next year. Special thanks go out to God for letting us all live to see this day, but Extra Special thanks for Him letting Wilson make it. Our boy Wilson is the hero of the day. He took a spill on his vacation and cracked his head, and while we can joke about it now, we definitely can't afford to lose him, or any of our pickers. Y'all be careful out there! Wilson played a bunch of tunes, including of favorite of his Dad and myself, too -the Philadelphia Lawyer. I'll see you all tomorrow at the Mill, Thursday in Snowville, and maybe even down at Galax.


Wayne said...

Koudos to you, Chris for making this happen. It was a great afternoon. It really never got too hot, and there was plenty of room for all listeners and musicians. Looked like plenty of food, too! I wouldn't change much for next year. How can you get it much better when the pickin is great, the food is good, and the socializing is the best! We had it all!
See yall at the Mill.......

Chris Burgoyne said...

Well, I know I had a good time. And we got in a pretty fair Carolina Star, no? My only regret is that I didn't tape it. And between you, me, and Doug D, that's three of us who know Cheyenne--we should play it every week (especially if Alex/Jason/Earl complains).