Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Jam: Turning 8 in '08

The Radford Fiddle and Banjo Jam celebrates its eighth anniversary Monday night! The first jam was actually Feb. 7, 2000, but it was the first Monday in February, same as this coming Monday (Feb. 4).

The jam started at a now-defunct restaurant on E. Main -- which might've still been called Norwood Street back then. The restaurant was Chili Peppers and it was situated in two storefronts where the Vintage Cellar and The Gallery art store are. The jam actually occurred in the portion now occupied by The Gallery. We were there all of two weeks (Feb. 7 and 21 ... we played every other Monday for a while because I was certain you'd never get enough people to play every week.)

Chili Peppers closed and we moved up Tyler, first to BTs for one week, then to Mocha Joe's (the bar next to Joe's Diner) for the summer and then to Joe's Diner, where we stayed until 2003. We've played at the Coffee Mill since June, 2003, which means the fifth anniversary of our move to the Mill is this year.

I stopped counting years ago, but I am sure well over 200 different players have participated in the jam since 2000. Every one of them have made the jam a special event in downtown Radford. Thanks to all who play, listen and have fun. See you Monday night!


Wayne said...

The jam has become quite the local phenomenon! I've said before that you oughta be right proud, Ralph. You have truly given something to your community, and have provided a place for folks like me to find their love for pickin' again.

I remember calling you and asking about coming down to Joe's, and whether I would fit in and/or enjoy it. You said I would, and you were right. Now, on Monday, if for some reason I don't get to come out, I really miss the playing, and the friendships.

Also, without the jam, there would be no JB's. What would we do without them?!?!?

So happy aniversary to you too! See ya there........

Chris Burgoyne said...

Props to you, Ralph for kicking the jam off and maintaining it. The weekly jam adds about 20 or 30k to my estimated home value. House has 2 BR, 1.5 BA, and regular bluegrass jam down the street. "I'll take it!"

Great pix from the jams. And I'll prob cover it in another post, but the Java Brothers, fruit of your own jam, tore it up one more time in Blacksburg. When I die, don't bury me at all, just prop me up against the Coffee Mill wall!

Anonymous said...

I agree -- it's been a great outlet for me and having the ability to get back into bluegrass music after all the years my instruments were collecting dust -- kudos to you Ralph for getting this going and your consistency thru the years :)

I just want to know who that dark-headed handsome guy is holding the fiddle in that early picture --- is that your son? (hehehehe...)

Ralph said...

Heh heh heh.

Hanging out with characters like you guys has really packed on the years, that's for sure.

Chris Burgoyne said...

Super jam tonight! Big anniversary jam throwdown. Lots of good jams out of the song book. 8th of January. On and On. Carolina in the Pines. White Freightliner. Rank Stranger! Rawhide. Kentucky Waltz! A hundred great tunes! See y'all next week!

Chris Burgoyne said...

Some firey hot jammin' indeed!
Rebecca! Salt Creek! Temperance Reel! If I Lose! Rollin' On! What else did we play? Like I said, I meelyun tunes.

Chris Burgoyne said...

Hallalujah, I'm ready to go.

Chris Burgoyne said...

Pallet! Wheel Hoss!!!

Chris Burgoyne said...

Doin' my time! It was a fine, fine jam!