Monday, December 10, 2007

Coffee Mill Christmas Jam

Ho ho ho, y'all! Big props to Jam master Ralph and the team over at the Coffee Mill for putting on a fat spread for this year's Christmas party. There was a great turnout.

Some good ol' Christmas carols. Turkey! Pork! Mac n Cheese! Potatoes! Tons of coffee! Cake! Cookies!

People, we're livin' right!


Wayne said...

I got to agree. Ralphie outdone himself this year! Nothing like a lotta pickin, a little eatin', and then some more pickin.

Won't be there next week, so to those I won't see on the 21st, MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Ralph said...

A shout-out to Alyssa and Mary and the little elves at The Mill who outdid and outcooked themselves.
Also, thanks to Frankie for keeping the jam money protected in a high-yield off-shore account in the Caymans.

Anonymous said...

The Man in Black checkin' in on the blog, ya'll! Megaprops to the folks at the Mill, and especially Ralph for making it an awsome night for us all. Chris and Brian, thanks for the ongoing mando lessons! I sure need 'em! Come see us at Due South, ya'll!

Chris Burgoyne said...

Yo MIB, if we're not snowed/iced in this weekend, we should get together.
(That goes for everybody else, too.)