Monday, July 30, 2007

Welcome to the Java Brothers' Blog Space

'Sup Bluegrassers? This virtual space exists to allow discussion between members of the JB's community. This includes the band, our friends, our families, and our 6 fans. This is a perfect time to start the blog because we have NO (count 'em, zero) gigs scheduled. As it happens all our news is either old, or too distant in the future for even us to know about it.

The Java Brothers (most or all of 'em anyway) can be tried out for free just about every Monday night at the Coffee Mill in Radford, VA. This is a sweet venue, and it's an open jam, so if you have even the vaguest notion of playing bluegrass (or old time or newgrass, or neofolkie whatever...) come on down!


Anonymous said...

He Guys, I think that this idea might work well for the world of Bluegrass music especially for the mill! Great Jam on the 29th. I think that the Moonshiner song can be worked up. Doug.

Anonymous said...

Great Jam on the 6th! Too bad Chris had to leave early....
Where was Joe. I hope we can get some gigs lined up soon. I'm itchin' to play some more!
